about our doctor
Dr. K.Nirlepa, is a highly skilled and respected Homeopath and functional medicine practitioner. With over a decade of experience and a passion for holistic medicine, Dr. Nirlepa is dedicated to helping patients to achieve optimal health and well-being. As a Homeopath and a specialist in functional medicine, she combines her expertise to provide comprehensive care. Dr. Nirlepa excels in pulse diagnosis, a Traditional Indian diagnostic technique also known as Nadi Parikshsa, which enables her to understand patients’ constitutions and create personalized treatment plans.
With extensive experience in pulse diagnosis and lifestyle counselling, Dr.Nirlepa has successfully healed patients around the world, including in countries like Singapore, Australia, and Germany. By integrating exercise, dietary adjustments, and her deep understanding of pulse diagnosis, she facilitates the realignment and transformation of patients’ well-being. As the owner of the wellness centre, Dr.Nirlepa leads with a commitment to exceptional care and a holistic approach to health, guiding individuals on a transformative journey towards improved vitality and overall wellness.

Dr.Vyakarnam Nageshwar
MD, ATC, FCTP, FCCP(USA) DAA(CMC - Vellore),DPSM. Pulmonologist, Allergist, Immunologist and Sleep Disorder Specialist
Founder & Director: Aswini allergy centre Hyderabad/ Warangal/ pondicherry. www.aswiniallergycentre.com
Chief consultant: Department of Allergy Immunology Aster Hospitals Hyderabad
Director: Department of Allergy and Immunological disorders Kamineni Hospitals Hyderabad.
National Advisor: Bharat Biotech Vaccination program Allergy & Immunology aspects of Covid-19 National Vaccination Drive.
Clinical work Experience: Interventional: Bronchoscopies Performed : 2000 cases. Thorocosopies : 100.
Allergy & Immunology: Allergen skin prick Tests : 20,000. Allergen Specific Sublingual immunotherapies: 4000.
Chairman National Workshop on Allergy & Immunology NAPCON 2023.

Dr.G.Sree Ranjitha M.D.,D.V.L
Dermatologist& Cosmetologist
Dr. G. Sree Ranjitha is a highly experienced dermatologist with 14 years of practice. She specializes in diagnosing and treating skin conditions, offering expert care to her patients. Dr. Ranjitha holds an M.D. in Dermatology, Venereology & Leprosy, as well as an M.B.B.S. degree.
She is known for her friendly approach, thorough explanations, and effective treatment plans. Patients appreciate her commitment to providing value-for-money services.
Traditional Wisdom Meets Modern Therapies
Mahaa Siddha Vaidya Chikitsalayam, or MSVC, is a wellness-holistic centre following ancient philosophy and wisdom of the treatment, to nurture and support the present time health conditions & re-establish human well-being.
MSVC has its origins from the Mahaa Siddha tradition, one of the ancient traditions of Bharat (India), that emphasises the equal importance of the Body, Mind, and Spirit. Our therapeutic principles and philosophies are mainly based on the Ayurveda Hrudaya, the core principles and teachings of Aswani Devatas, the twin divine physicians.
At MSVC, we are dedicated to incorporating ancient wisdom and modern therapies into our practices, ensuring that our clients receive the best care and holistic treatment.
Our Philosophy
Mahaa Siddha Tradition

Aswini Prokta
In the vast expanse of the Universe, everything, from celestial bodies to human beings, is intricately woven from the five fundamental elements—Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Space. Yet, a human being is more than a mere product of chemical reactions. Within us, there exists the essence of Mind and Spirit, elevating us to a higher realm of existence. Thus, a human being embodies the trinity of Body, Mind, and Spirit.
From the very moment of conception, each individual acquires a unique constitution, shaped by the ratio of the Pancha Bhoothas—the five elements. This constitution, known as prakruthi, manifests as a distinctive blend of physical and psychological characteristics, influencing the way we function and interact with the world. While prakruthi remains constant throughout our lives, it is not impervious to the impact of various environmental factors.
Health is not merely the absence of symptoms. It is a state which allows an individual to effectively cope with all the multifaceted demands of daily life, establishing a dynamic equilibrium within oneself and their environment — It is a state of balance that nurtures our overall well-being and allows us to thrive.
“Sama dosha, Sama agnischa, Sama dhatu mala kriyaaha
Prasanna atma, Indriya manaha swastha iti abhidheeyate” – Sushruta Samhita
According to statistical data, although our generation benefits from advanced technology and medications, resulting in a longer lifespan compared to our great-grandparents and great-great-grandparents, we are experiencing significant compromises in terms of both quality of life and mental well-being.

Despite the decrease in premature deaths and pandemics, we are not as physically or mentally healthy as our parents and grandparents used to be. We possess less resilience to stress and setbacks, resulting in various psychosomatic conditions and fragile mental and emotional health.
At MSVC, our vision is to merge modern times with ancient wisdom and philosophy through a unique integrated approach. We not only address diagnosed diseases but also prioritize overall well-being by restoring balance in the body, mind, and spirit.
In our approach towards patients MSVC seeks to understand the underlying factors that triggers the journey towards disharmony and disorder, ultimately leading to dysfunction and disease. Through our comprehensive therapies and treatments, we work towards realigning this disrupted harmony back to your original constitution, known as Prakruti. Our goal is to empower you to effectively navigate the challenges of life without compromising your quality of life.
“Health is a state of body. Wellness is a state of being.” – J. Stanford